The Perfect Model Home Decor
Kessick recently installed a Wine as Art wine wall in a model home. It embodies a modern twist on the traditional wine cellar. It is a great example of how wine is a natural part of our daily lives. Wine as Art displayed on a wall in your kitchen or living room is the next step for wine, as it’s ebbed into our everyday experience.
Why not have a wine display as part of your home decor?
Your home is where you live. The things that matter to you are there. The everyday wines that you got from the superstore or even the grocery store need a home as well, even though those wines are the ones to be enjoyed soon. The lovely labels can add a bit of fun and color to your walls as well. After all, wine is not just for special occasions.
Have dinner with a bottle of wine from the wall display. What a great idea! Wine has become such a staple of life for so many people.
You pick a bottle out of your wall creation on a Tuesday night at home, and it brings a new sparkle to your dinner. What “makes” the wine is the pairing with your chicken and grilled veggies, as it enhances their flavors. After all, wine is food. It makes the evening a bit more special.
Model home builders take note. Give the people what they want. It’s become a trend to display your wine in untraditional ways for daily enjoyment in a visually appealing way that also provides easy access. I think all model homes should offer that option for those who like the enrichment that wine brings to their lives and the look of their home.
Your wine can breathe easy, and so can you with this quick, easy decor add-on. This concept should become the standard for wine drinkers, home builders, and decorators. The statistics are in; Americans drink a lot of wine! Their home decor should reflect their lifestyle as well.
Let Kessick’s Wine as Art series guide you toward your next decor upgrade.